You are invited to a SAM meeting at McCullers Community Baptist Church.


SAM is an acronym that stands for Senior Appreciation Ministry. As the name suggests, the ministry acknowledges senior adults have much to contribute to church life. Since God’s plan for human life does not end because we reach a certain age, SAM’s focus is on older adults. SAM celebrates the fact the Lord created every person and gave each one a plan and purpose for her/his life.


It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit that led to the formation of SAM ministry. It comes with the recognition that many seniors in our community have ceased to be active in their churches. One reason is older adults are vulnerable to the transitional impact that comes with aging. It’s true, seniors can’t do what they once did, but God’s plans and purposes for their life doesn’t stop at a certain age.

The loss of strength and mobility is not easy, but God intends that we use His gifts for a new season of life. Older adults are often overlooked when it comes to recognizing the positive contributions they can make to the life of the church. The psalmist says, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.” (Psalm 92:14 ESV) The main purpose of SAM is to help seniors find their places in God’s service.

What Happens at a SAM Meeting

  • We find joy in singing hymns.
  • We find comfort in praying.
  • We grow spiritually in Bible Study.
  • We celebrate with snacks.
  • Last, but not least, we enjoy fellowship together.


The next SAM meeting will be Thursday, April 20 at 11:30 PM in the church’s Fellowship Hall. We usually meet on the third Thursday of each month unless there is an announced change of schedule.


The SAM Team decided to study the seven principles for Experiencing God. This is a study that has been adapted from Henry Blackaby’s famous Bible study of the same name, Experiencing God. We will study one principle each month in the hope that we all will be drawn closer to the Lord as we better understand our place in His plan for our life. Our goal is to grow closer to the image of Christ

What Do I Do?:

Just come to the meeting.

McCullers Community Baptist Church

133 Rand Road

Raleigh, NC 27603

We meet in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Plan to be encouraged and to encourage others.
  • Seek to grow spiritually and help others to grow.
  • Expect to enjoy fellowship with others
  • Discover opportunities to minister to others.
  • Bring a friend with you.

Come and join us. You are invited!